
Physiotherapy is the careful assessment, treatment and management of your body to help these joints, muscles and nerves function to their full potential.

Physio’s use a wide range of specialist skills including manipulation and mobilisation of joints, massage and exercise therapy to reduce pain and stiffness as well as taping to support weakened muscles.

Your Physio may suggest Acupuncture or Aquatherapy as being appropriate for your treatment.

Don’t put your life on hold due to pain or injury. Let us help you get back to your best and keep you there.

What Do We Treat?

Back Pain: Disc disorders, sciatica, low back pain and sacroiliac joint problems

Neck pain: Stiff neck, whiplash and headaches, dizziness

Face and Jaw pain: Temporomandibular Joint pain – TMJ, Jaw clicking

Joint problems: Arthritis and frozen shoulder, painful knees and hips

Arthritic conditions: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis

Sports injuries: Pulled muscles and sprained ligaments, with rehabilitation back to sport

Seasonal injuries: Skiing, gardening, football, rugby and tennis

Work-related: Hand & arm pain RSI, general postural problems – sitting in front of a computer and commercial driving

Soft tissue injuries: Tennis elbow and sprained ankle, Achilles tendon and torn or damaged ACL

Post-operation conditions: Hip and knee or total joint replacements, back surgery, arthroscopy

Neurological conditions: Strokes and Parkinson’s Disease, head injuries, nerve injuries      

Rehabilitation: For Multi trauma and Catastrophic Injuries     

Children’s problems: Sports Injuries, Growing Pains, Juvenile Arthritis
Our role as Physiotherapists is to find where the root cause of the problem is and to re-balance and “re-educate” the muscles groups between there and where you are feeling the pain.

Physiotherapy Trobleshooting
Shoulder Mobility Test
Sports related knee injury