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Expertly guided Pilates exercise sessions

Our physios are best placed to help you get stronger, improve posture and get more mobile. Moving the body in regular sessions in varied ways can help stop low back pain and other injuries from getting you down. Start your journey now to get a body you love living in.

​Tailored to you so you get more out of the sessions

Before joining a group session you will need to attend a 1-1 assessment with the APPI qualified Physiotherapist who will run the classes to give you the opportunity to learn the basic techniques and principles of Physio Pilates.

​Please note, pilates at Broadstone Physiotherapy Practice is incorporated as part of an overall treatment plan agreed with your physiotherapist. It is not a stand alone service.

Female Physio Pilates class

Physio Pilates

Athlete warming up before exercise

We treat a wide range of sports injuries and have a number of physiotherapists that have a keen interest in many sports so will be able to give you expert advice and treatment tailored to you.

We understand how frustrating it is being on the side lines, not able to do the sport you love. We can help you get you back to your activity as soon as possible and possibly more important reduce the risk of it coming back.

Recurrent niggle, not going away. Let us help you devise a plan to strengthen the area so you can feel and perform at your best.

​Physiotherapists can help a range of sports injuries:

  • Achilles tendinopathy/Plantar Fasciitis - Pain under/around the heel

  • Rotator cuff injury

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome – front of knee pain

  • Shin splints

  • Runners knee (ITB syndrome) Jumpers knee (Patella tendinopathy)

  • Ligament tears

  • Cartilage tears

  • Muscle sprains

  • Fractures and dislocations

Sports Injuries