Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Pelvic Health Service now available at Broadstone Physiotherapy

Done by Pelvic Health specialist and Physiotherapist Nicole-Tudor Williams

Nicole started working at the practice a few years ago and is highly skilled, with a wealth of experience in Pelvic Health for over 20 years. She is a recommended Practitioner for The Pelvic Partnership, a National Self Help Support Group for Pregnant & Post-Natal Women with PGP (aka SPD) or Chronic Pelvic Pain.

What is Pelvic Health Physiotherapy ?

This is a specialist area of physiotherapy which focuses on a holistic approach to men and woman’s well-being.

Nicole sees a wide range of pelvic health conditions:


Abdominal Muscle Separation, Coccyx pain, Pelvic Floor Muscle weakness or sensory loss, Incontinence, Vaginal Heaviness, Prolapse, Painful Sex, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Neurological impairment following childbirth. SI Joint pain related to Pregnancy and Childbirth.


Urinary & Faecal incontinence, Prolapse, Complex Pelvic Pain, Pre & Post Operative advice & treatment. Menopausal problems relating to Continence, Prolapse, Vaginal dryness or soreness and painful sex.

SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION – Any age group. Support and active treatment for conditions such as Vaginismus, Vulvodynia, Pudendal Nerve pain and Painful Sex.

How can she help you ?

Do you struggle making it to the toilet on time without leaking? Or passing urine very frequently with little control or poor sensation. Do you know where all the toilets are in your local town ? Have you stop doing anything active in the fear you’ll wet yourself?

Maybe you are struggling with painful intercourse after either childbirth menopause or surgery? Perhaps you have difficulty controlling passing wind or have a sensation of heaviness in the vagina or rectum?

Or perhaps you are experiencing pain over your tail bone/Coccyx whenever you sit down or stand up ? Maybe you are pregnant or post natal and have pain in your pelvic joints. Does you pelvis feel instable?

PLEASE CALL Broadstone Physiotherapy on 01202 693199 to make an appointment or email

Nicole is available for On-line and face-to face appointments Nicole’s focus is always on getting women to return to as full and active life as

possible enabling your goals to return to the activities and sports that are important to you as an individual.